Anna Skibska was born in Poland and her family migrated to the United States when she was in the 3rd grade. Her family has a strong hold in the art world in Poland. Her grandfather is an art professor at one of the most renowned at schools in Poland. Also he family has had a history of storytelling, in which she says influences her artwork in a great deal.
Her sculptures are huge, over 10 ft. high, globular blown glass balls. They resemble a skeleton of sorts, such as the underside of a leaf or a spiderweb. They are extremely strong, since they are built in this way that is only found in nature. Each one of these huge globes can withstand up to 1,000 lbs. of pressure applied on them.
The objects, as mentioned before, are used in her family tradition of story telling. Each one of these globes are a metaphor, each piece of these balls have a specific story to them. Each of the pieces are very sentimental to her, and each hold a difference place in her heart. Along with this, they hold the delicate balance between nature, including the precious and the bold. They also encompasses the essence and problematic nature that the light that is shown on the pieces has. These pieces ten to capture the light in a way that gives the impression of a non-existent solidity.
Her pieces are made with a tiny blow torch and tweezers. they are made of colored or clear glass. Once heated, they are pulled into tiny strands, about an inch or two long, and then welded together into larger ball.
I really like these pieces, I think that they are really cool! They are so intricate and they look so very fragile! I really like the lines that the pieces employ and how they looks so light, yet they weight around 300 lbs. I also like how she plays around with different shapes and sizes to keep things interesting. She is really a visionary for the art of glass blowing as well as sculpting in general. She is really amazing due to the fact that she has come up with many techniques that now almost every glass blower uses when they want to make tiny, intricate strand of glass. She has really re-invented the glass blowing world, and they will never forget what she has done for artists now, and to come.
She says that many of her pieces relate to many of the domestic peoples of Poland and the immigrants that have come to America because they tell a story of a journey, and a path. She really loves her pieces to be heart-felt by her viewers, but in addition, she likes them to be questioned and analyzed so that their meaning can really show through.
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