So we got our new project a few weeks ago and I haven't posted anything because I had no idea what the heck I was gonna do. So I took some time to think about what I was wanting to say with this project and I really wanted to make a statement. I researched many different artists that I thought may give me an idea, such as Kiki Smith, Ann Hamilton, Nick Cave, and Ana Mendieta. While researching one artist in particular, Ana Mendieta, I realized that I had actually seen her work once when I was younger, and before I ever got into art. I thought that her work was really weird when I first saw it, and was kind of disturbed by it at first. However, when I looked at it this time I thought that she did a really good job of taking the body and changing it in a way that almost made an individual unrecognizable.
This inspired me because I wanted to make a statement, and what better way to do it then to make something that we all have a see everyday and morph it into something that is different, however still possesses the same things. I thought about this for awhile and still came up with nothing. In fact I got to the point where I dreaded going to class because I didn't have an idea, while the rest of the class was working away on their projects. All of which I wished I could have stolen because they all looked so good! I was kind of beginning to become somewhat depressed because I needed to find a project. I was literally straining my mind think of something. I even asked my friends and even my mom, who hates making everything artsy, if they had any ideas. Nothing was coming.
So I decided to go back to the drawing board. I need to come up with something that would be good, but in bare minimum meet the requirements for this project. I researched even more artist and I just couldn't come up with anything. So I talked to Erin and I told her about how I liked taking photos of textures and up close things like that. She suggested that I take that and make these textures bigger so that the viewer can experience them. So I thought about that over the weekend and had no idea how to even attempt that. I drew many of my pictures in the round and tried to think of ways to make these textures, but once again failed to come up with anything.
I then thought maybe I could do something like Rachel Whiteread and take the cast of the negative space around something. I thought about pouring plaster into shoes and then putting things on the plaster that you wouldn't want in your shoes. Like hair, nails, and spiders. So I thought about that for awhile and mulled it over in my head, and finally thought that it was kind of a cop out because I wasn't really changing the body in any way.
So I guess I'll just think about it for awhile longer. The project is due next tuesday, so hopefully I can come up with something.
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