Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project 4 #3

So I think that I have finally come up wit ha collection to present to the class today. I want to make around 50 paper figures that can be displayed in a vitrine. I want to make these so that I can comment on what a precious resource paper is, and how we do not use it as such.
I want all of the figures to be made of recycled paper or handmade paper to go with this connotation of having the sustainability of the paper. The figures can include animals, boxes, or anything else made of paper. I think that it will be a really cool project that will call people's attention to this issue of sustainibilyity.
Before break I was able to see The Streetcar Named Desire, a play by Tennessee Williams. It was about a woman, Blanche Dubios, who was fired from her job for having sexual relations with a student, and her story of how she is slowly diagnosed by her sisters husband as being mentally insane, and how she is sent off to a mental institute. I thought that the story was really good, and was one of my favorite plays that I've seen all semester. I think that this could translate into my art in a way because of the fact that I have had family member who have been diagnosed as insane. So I will see where that takes me, and maybe I will make something that I never would have thought of without seeing this play.
Class should be fun today. I'm really excited to hear everyone's ideas and be a part in deciding what we will make in our final project. I think that this project will be really interesting and should be a lot of fun to work on with my other class mates.

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